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EminentEdit is a dynamic content writing and editing service that offers proofreading and editing services for 1. Academic Writing; 2. Literary Analysis; and 3. Blog Content Writing. Plus, we offer 1. Content and 2. Grant Writing Services. Read our blog for advice on editing and content writing or get in touch directly.

Copyediting vs Proofreading: What’s the Difference? 

Writer's picture: MelMel

Updated: Jan 22

Copyediting and proofreading both involve correcting work in a manuscript. However, there are differences between the two. The difference between copyediting and proofreading lies at the stage at which the correction occurs, with proofreading occurring at the latest stage of editing. 

Picture of someone using a red pen to correct a paper.

What is copyediting? 

Copyediting is the process of carefully scrutinizing and correcting every aspect of a manuscript, including every word and punctuation mark. It is also referred to as manuscript editing or line editing.  It is a crucial stage in successfully submitting and publishing your work. It involves substantive editing. This means editing to correct sentence structure and syntax or even rewrite paragraphs.

What is proofreading? 

Proofreading is the term used to describe the process of combing for errors in the final version of the manuscript. The final version of the manuscript is the format in which the manuscript will be eventually published.  Therefore, this is the final phase before final publication. The final version of a manuscript in the publishing industry and journal publication is often the PDF version. 

Key differences between proofreading and copyediting

In copyediting, the task of correction falls with the professional editor as opposed to the author. On the other hand, proofreading is something that the author is typically responsible for. 

At this stage, the author has accepted all the corrections recommended by the professional editor. The editor will mark what should be corrected, and the author will make the specific changes. 

The table below provides the major differences between copyediting and proofreading. 



  • Correcting sentence structure and syntax

  • Leaving comments on sense and meaning

  • Rewriting paragraphs where necessary

  • Making major changes to correct reference or citation style

  • Usually carried out in Word format 

  • Correcting spelling errors

  • Correcting word breaks

  • Correcting errors in typeface and font

  • Checking page numbers and running heads

  • Checking illustrations and tables

  • Proofreading for coherent meaning and sense

  • Usually carried out in PDF format 

In the services offered by Online proofreading companies, a distinction is made between proofreading and copyediting. These companies use “proofreading” to describe correction for work that is closer to the final stage of publication, while “copyediting” refers to work on manuscripts that require more substantial work. In most cases, proofreading services may be slightly cheaper than editing services. 

How EminentEdit can help with proofreading your manuscript

EminentEdit provides premium editing and proofreading services. We are a small group of professional editors with extensive experience. 

This experience includes editing millions of words on behalf of others, as well as publishing our own papers in academic journals. So, we know exactly what it takes to get your thesis ready for submission. 

EminentEdit provides editing and proofreading services that are:

  • Fast

  • Affordable

  • Reliable

More importantly, we are adaptable to your specific needs.

Get in touch with one of our representatives for help in editing your manuscript

We know what you want to say. We help you say it better. 

Our services don't just start with proofreading the final product. It also includes help from the very beginning of your project. This includes editing and double-checking your academic writing proposal. Our editing services include the following:

  • Proofreading and editing services for theses and dissertations 

  • Proofreading for both fiction and nonfiction books

  • Substantive editing to improve the quality of your writing on a sentence level

  • Extensive commentary and recommendations to improve literature review, structure, and arguments

  • Proofreading to make sure your writing is grammatically correct with proper spelling and punctuation

  • Assistance in transforming your thesis into a published scientific paper 

Get in touch through our contact page here: CONTACT US AT EMINENT EDIT. 


Cite this EminentEdit article

Antoine, M. (2024, November 14). Copyediting vs Proofreading: What’s the Difference? EminentEdit.


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